Comic 223 – “Flumes”
Errol: Huzzah! Debs does a comic! 😀
Debs: Right. So here’s what happened. I’m a little weird with paint fumes. After the repairman left claiming that I shouldn’t smell anything, my head went completely ridiculous. Instead of getting work done all I could do was giggle about MANLY TEA. And then I decided to draw a comic except I didn’t have the attention span to do layers so this happened. Errol, I don’t know why you put in my signature again, when it’s clearly written in pink in the 9th panel. Also, Happy Salad Day from Otta-wa-wa!
The fifth panel is awesome! Paint Fumes!!
*laugh* Yes, I love the close up of her face. Poor paint flume debs… 😀
Wow, I just re-read this, FLumes… That’s even better.
Well, that’s rather surreal (for want of a better word).
Of course people peg you as the crazy one Errol, you cover up Debs’ craziness too well.
I cover up nothing! 😀 She just doesn’t do enough comics…
Perhaps cover up is the wrong way of saying it, but I’d say your comics tend to bring out the full extent of your own craziness better than they bring out Debs’ craziness (mostly because Debs’ default emotion in your strips is being irritated by your craziness).
I am all for her writing and drawing comics.
You should suggest that to her. Public Pressure!!
Someone’s gotta play the straight (wo)man to Errol’s crazy, right?
Yes, but that’s what Leezet’s there for…
Leezet? She plays deranged, freak out girl. 😀
Me? Straight (wo)man?
Is Mercenary Pen being serious or ironic? It’s hard to tell because he’s British….
@ Leezet: (there was no reply button on your comment) Semi-serious, but only as far as straight person by comparison with Errol- which I think you can manage.
But then again I’m not one to talk because Errol could probably do straight man by comparison with me…
@Mercenary Pen
Actually, I can play straight man quite well!
Maybe I can call you in for a podcast!!
I’m afraid I have no recording equipment on my end for podcasting, and I can’t afford an international airfare to Canada anytime soon.
Otherwise, I’d be willing to give it a go- if only to see whether it worked or not.
What about Skype? I’d love to hear Mercenary Pen “live.”
Great, now I’m downloading Skype just so that I can witness this. XDD
I don’t currently have Skype…
Gmail Call? That’s what I use.
Hey, a new theme – Let’s find a way to hear Mercenary Pen live! (We Canadians all have UK-accent-envy. Though that’s a misnomer since Mercenary doesn’t think he has the accent; WE’RE the ones with the accent… unless we’re all singing…. but that’s another story)
* Laughs * Yeah, we do have UK-accent-envy 🙂 I’m lucky because I get to hear one a lot. Hey Mercenary, can I stalk you next time I’m there?
Any particular UK accents you’re envious of- just so I can tell you I don’t have the accent in question (because I probably don’t)…
@Mercenary (no reply button on your comment. Grr…)
It really doesn’t matter. British, Scottish, Irish-ish, they’re all really attractive. >:3
I think the original UK-accent-envy comes from Monty Python, doesn’t it? So, in particular, it would have to be the English accent. I love it when they say, “Not as such….” I mean, what does that mean, really?
*laugh* You guys are funny.
You do know that the podcast I do with JamesPSheridan allows for calling in. Over the telephone. 😀
I should research it more!
Is somebody a Hyperbole and a Half fan?
Well, it’s more the “Clean all the things” meme. 😀
Errol, stop putting words in my mouth. I just found that particular comic absolutely hilarous. And then I found out it was a meme. Later.
STOP? After all these years?
What is a “meme”? I keep thinking you’re talking about our cousin….
Goood…. grief.
It’s a meme?
Also, making me do division is unfair.
Yup! A meme.
Um, btw, if you register for this site, you don’t have to do that math thing anymore. For some of you, I really should turn on registrations… hmmmm
I was kidding about the division. I can divide. Hell, I can exponentiate if I have to.
Oh, I’m sure you can. But… it is a pain to keep putting in a captcha every time. 😀
I’ll have the paint fumes Debs is having!
K, Ben. The first thing you have to do is somehow get your wall destroyed in a way that is not a person’s fault. Then, call you landlord and ask for painting 😀
Regarding Accents:
Personally, I want to learn a Filipino accent, and a Cantonese accent. Sadly, it’s mostly for comedic effect.
I actually hear English accents all the time, funny that. One of my good friends from work was from Southampton. We used to hang out all the time. A wack of people at my church have English accents. A couple families from London, a few people from Darby.
I’m desperately trying to learn how to distinguish them all. I’m failing though. 😀
You know what accent I do like because I don’t hear it that often and when I do, it just strikes me? New Zealand.
Anyway, the accent I still want to learn is Filipino because it makes me laugh. It’s sad I’m mocking my culture.
I’m New Zealand. Y’shan’t hear me speaking though. 😀
What is a meme??????
Oh wait, nevermind. I just googled it.