Comic 224 – “Shorty”
Errol: I only heard about the Shorty Awards when Geek Hard was nominated for it. If the criteria were simply the amount of content we put out, I think we’d be in for the winning!
Ah well. I am pleased that BElanna108 nominated us! Thanks! And then a few others also did! Huzzah!
If you want to get into the nomination fun, you can do so here:
Let’s see how long it takes Debs to find out. She doesn’t check twitter, or the comic, or FB much. But she will!
I’d nominate you…
But I’m Twitter-less. I’ll definitely cheer from the sidelines, though!
Oh hey, now worries. As I’ve said, I still don’t understand Twitter all that much. I use it as one very inefficient way to chat.
That’s pretty much all it is as far as I can tell looking from the outside.
Also, random related fact for you, Patrick Stewart (Picard from ST:TNG just on the off chance you couldn’t place the name) has said in an interview that he doesn’t use twitter, so you’re in excellent company.
Yay awesome!
‘Fraid I’m in the same boat as Paige :/ good luck though!
Haha! Stick it to the man!
Very crowded boat this…
I prefer to think of it as a yacht.
Thanks! No worries!