Comic 229 – “Macbook”
Errol: Debs computer has been on the fritz for a long time. And Graeme fixed it. This is good for everyone. Now Debs can record music again!
Debs: Haha. I love my zombie look in the 7th one It wasn’t entirely on the fritz but it was quite unfunctional because the monitor stopped working mid-last year so the only way I could use it was to attach it to an external. But then the cable I was using to attaching it went on the fritz too and made the external stupid colours and then I stopped using it because it just made me frustrated. I had taken it to the Apple store last April but it wasn’t the cheap fix they thought it would be and $800 was really extreme for a computer that was already 4 years old.
Hooray for Graeme! It was the LCD that had stopped working and he had a spare screen lying around. He says my computer is now a “Frankenbook” He is THE AWESOME.
Hooray! My first comic appearance as a roommate!
PS: I love that my cat Ana is completely recognizable in Debs’ drawing.
I’m still going “what the heck colour is Tawny again?”…umm…blended…
Tha’s too good to be true, check if you are dreaming, Debzzzzzzzzz! You too, Errol!
I’ll show it to you when you get home. Hooray! ‘xcept I can’t connect it to your ‘net until Jon wakes up.
Hee hee hee …. <3 you guys
We love you too, Alley! Huzzah!
Huzzah! And look, you have a pic! I need to convince everyone on here to get a gravatar…
I was wondering exactly how to do the avatars here- now I am enlightened.
Huzzah! You got a pic toooo!!
Yup, I just needed to know where to host it and I could upload it no trouble.
I did want to use a different avatar, but that one’s wider than it is tall, so gravatar crops bits off to either side- which does rather reduce the impact.
Glad that you are all so happy with the fix. Sorry about the shark. I had one on order, but it didn’t arrive in time.
Wait, is this HEATHER answering, or is it Graeme? Of course, I wouldn’t put it past Heather having a shark on order either.
BTW, Debs owes Graeme a song about boba fett now.
@Errol, Graeme says, “Nice!”