Comic 232 – “Awry”
Errol: You know, I don’t know how much background to give to these comics because I don’t know if I will use it yet in a comic. Debs sent me a conversation she had with Alina, and I split it into two comics.
I’m not all that keen on the wording in this comic, because for those that may be new to the comic, they may think… heck… who knows WHAT they would think?
But then again, I think a fun comic twist would be for Comic Errol to be all bitter and such that Comic Debs isn’t around much. But then all you people would start reading into it and I would probably start getting calls from people about how much of a jerk I am… and I’ll be all, “It’s a COMIC!”
So no, I won’t be doing that. Oh well… I guess I really shouldn’t try to make my life into some cheesy 80’s sitcom anyway…
Okay, here is the verbatim conversation I had with my mom on Monday while she was catching up on the comics.
mom: who is Erik Didriksen?d: i told you, he’s our mixer.m: you didn’t say that. you just said his name was erikd: yes. that’s his first name.m: oh. is he german?d: no.m: is he swedish?d: no.m: you know, i think i would look pretty good beside this erik. me, the hot blonde.d: bwahaha. okay that i am writing downm: you know, i should tell errol that i’m sad because he left me for erik. and he left you for ‘manda. hahaha! a support group.
I have such a crush on Cartoon Debs’ Mom. If I was a cartoon character I’d be asking for her address right now.
I guess that should be Comic Debs’ Mom, to keep up the theme. (I swear, I didn’t read what you wrote until after I wrote mine. I guess I’m not the only one who is thinking about the question of Comic vs. Real here.)
@Rod Downburst Johnson, *LAUGH* Debs’s Mom would be happy to know she has fans.
And in regards to comic vs real… panel #2 and #3 were quotes, from what I understand. *sigh*
@Rod Downburst Johnson,
OK, so WHO ARE YOU, ROD D.J.? I would consider granting you a mini-interview if you live in Toronto – a special treat for my fist “comic-Alina Fan”.
Oh, Errol- HEY! You dressed me in the outfit i wear most often – you have the observant eye of a TRUE ARTIST! I vote for you!!
@alina, Actually, I do recognize that outfit, in fact, you were wearing it on Monday night too.
So I figured it would be the best one to put you in… plus a flower. 
@Errol, she was?
Wow. You are observant. I didn’t remember that
@alina, alas, I am in far off, exotic Michigan.
@Rod Downburst Johnson, I think I might have a crush on Comic Alina too.
*thinks naughty thoughts*
@Rod Downburst Johnson, Oh…. dear.
@Errol, Not REALLY.
This comic would be awesome is real life. It would be be most random thing, and it would make absolutely no sense, but that would make it great.
@Kelson, Actually, I think real life makes less sense at times.
* Laughs * Oh! I can post the whole conversation here
@debs, Um… YES!!!
This is gonna be some album release party…
@Erik, I certainly hope so!
@Errol, Album release!! Wahoo! Am I invited? Or just my texting?
@Lizette, Hey man, you fly down, I give you free CD.