Comic 263 – “Relationships”
Errol: This is a condensed Gchat conversation I had with James P Sheridan. I will present the whole conversation for your enjoyment.
Errol: I know what you can say
ask her “Is this song about Errol?” 😀JPS: 😛 I’m well aware that it wasn’t about errol…that comment seems incredibly disengenous
Errol: does it matter if it’s disingenuous
JPS: 😛 yes it does
Errol: nah… laugh Doesn’t stop me now, does it but then again, I’m a jerk like that
JPS: you have a different relationship with her
Errol: thanks … I’m the ‘be a jerk’ relationship? LAUGH
What is YOUR relationship then?!? 😀JPS: genuine ;p you are the more…jovial relationship
Errol: What? You DON’T THINK OUR RELATIONSHIP IS GENUINE?!? What do you mean by THAT?
JPS: i don’t mean anything by that i don’t know what your relationship with her is
Errol: You don’t think it’s “genuine”
JPS: oi
Errol: You think it’s a paper thin construction of simple and naive relationships
JPS: no, i am saying that mine IS and i wish to maintain that sense of being totally genuine
Errol: you think I can’t be a good friend
JPS: are you gonna go cry in the corner now? 😛
can I show Manda this conversation?
She’d get a kick out of itJPS: i am making a whitless face right now
Errol: Totally awesome
JPS: of pure exasperation
Errol: My job here is done
This is going to be a comic
&comicJPS: oh god
Errol: but I have to share this with manda and my sister
JPS: 😛Errol: I guess I could share it with Debs, but I think she ignores my emails
*sigh* It’s a sad state of affairs. No one values my friendship…
JamesPSheridan: Errol has a remarkable talent for quickly twisting your words and snowballing what you didn’t actually say at all into a giant mess before you can even register what has happened. He is like a magician who’s slight of hand is used to manipulate your statements before your very eyes. I am glad he isn’t an insecure, neurotic person or I might worry that I have inadvertently insulted him. Instead he seems happy as a kitten to just mess with your mind and leave you a quivering gelatinous pile of broken synapses after trying (and failing) to follow his logic. I am telling you its not humanly possible….my brain hurts.
Whitless: I’m invading Errol’s blurb space!! MWA HAHAHAHAHAHA! In colour! Look how smart I am!
I enjoyed the part where James asks you if you’re going to go cry in the corner.
Poor bald guy.
Errol, liquifier of brains and stuff.
You know Errol, sometimes a joke can be pushed too far… I can’t say for certain (not being one of the people involved) but this may be one of those times.
@Mercenary Pen, I really don’t think he knows when to stop… oh well. *resumes beating dead horse*
@Kelson, Oh, what are we stopping now?
And hey, HE’S the one that said I didn’t have genuine relationships!
@Errol, there might be a reason Debs is ignoring your emails, just sayin’. When are you going to post her last songs? I want more Errol-directed rage!
@Kelson, Oh, I don’t have her songs to post. She has them. 🙂
@Errol, well then fix her inter-tubes!
@Errol, HE said nothing of the sort. 😛
@jps, It’s up there in GCHAT!
@Errol, Yes, it is! 😛
@Kelson, Indeed, hence it is our duty to teach him- with extreme methods…
(does not really advocate any methods that could reasonably be classed as extreme- apart from the use of black holes)
@Mercenary Pen, personally, I think I’m the “VICTIM” here. ;D
@Errol, It all depends on your point of view, and I think we can safely say you’re biased.
@Mercenary Pen, Why are we taking his side anyway??!
@Errol, Because it is painfully obvious that there was a misunderstanding- and YOU made it.
@Mercenary Pen, I get it, we’re taking Debs’s side. I see how it is.
@Errol, Seriously Errol, you’re reading into James’ words things that blatantly weren’t intended…
Now, what ways are there to create a localised singularity in the Toronto area… This is a question for CERN (or another similar organisation)
@Errol, I used to live by the Tevatron (f**king CERN and their bigger accelerator), so I picked up a few things. We will need a large quantity of copper wire, twine, and a hydro-electric plant. Oh, and probably SkyDome.
@Mercenary Pen, 🙂 You take me too seriously. 😀
@Errol, I’m sorry, I just don’t find deliberate misunderstandings terribly funny.
@Mercenary Pen, No worries… I have a weird sense of humour. 😀
@Errol, you having a strange sense of humor is par for the course, but do others around you know this?
@Mercenary Pen, I agree that Mercenary Pen takes Errol WAY too seriously. It’s very clear among his friends that he’s deliberately twisting words. The person can react or walk away. When they react, it’s funny. If they walk away, Errol stops. It’s a win win. Bald guy really likes Errol, and he deliberately misunderstands all the time. If he were really truly insulted, he wouldn’t continue to do an hour long podcast. There is no victim when both parties are entirely in control. The whole point was silliness. If it’s taken way too seriously, then it misses the point.
Crums, reached max level again. Good grief.
@Kelson – yes, they are fully aware of my strange sense of humour. They still agree to do projects with me! ^_^
@Errol, I highly doubt they are voluntary beyond the second one… fix the levels thing again! Or IRC or G+ or somthings else, but we must have treadyness!
@Kelson, In Errol’s defense I am not sure its entirely deliberate on his part to drive other’s crazy, its about 90% natural talent. :p
And I do the podcast with him because he has remarkable energy, almost superhuman. His enthusiasm is remarkable and keeps me on task.
@jps, he keeps YOU on task? Or his tangenting makes you attempt to bring him back to the topic first mentioned? I think I should sit in one one of these things to see just how crazy he is.
@Kelson, I meant on task in terms of still doing the podcast, where as i would have grown frustrated at the sound of my own voice and quit after the third episode. He is remarkably encouraging creatively, and when you feel like being lazy he has a skill to make you want to keep going.
@jps, your voice is fine!! My voice is… nasally. 😀 Bothers me when I have to sing high at times, but… oh well. What can you do. I just get Debs to sing those high notes…
@Kelson, BTW, I’m still holding you to this guest thing. 😀
@Errol, oh the things we shall talk about…
@jps, 90% naturally annoying? Thanks. ;D
I was trying to be complimentary and you continue to twist my words. *sigh*
@jps, This is why I love you, James P Sheridan. 😀
@Errol, 90% annoying is a rather impressive accomplishment, not that it’s a good thing though.
@Kelson, Level: Asian.
@Errol, don’t make me bring High Expectations Asian Father this forum…
@Kelson, I have to admit, I don’t know why it isn’t a mother. I mean… Tiger Mom and all. 😀
@Errol, no idea. Contrary to your sister’s belief, I am not Asian, and was thus raised normally.
@Kelson, “normally” *LAUGH* Tiger Mom is pretty normal for… all asians… ;D
@Kelson, crums, I still have to approve links. Grrr… I wonder if I can turn that off…
@Errol, see, if I could embed pictures, this wouldn’t be an issue
@Kelson, Wait… whom do you think is the second one?!
And all my creative partners are quite capable of holding their own!! If they wished to leave me… no amount of begging on my part would deter them…
@Kelson, Oh, and as long as we need ‘treadyness’ and not ‘trendyness’ then that’s all good. I’ll never be trendy. 😀
@Errol, I forgot to put the H in threadyness, but either way, we will never be trendy.
@Kelson, sadly… we won’t.
@Errol, and that’s the way *mhm mhm* we like it!