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Comic 373 – “Steam Sale”

Errol: Do I have time to play games? No. Do Manpans and I have to write a musical? Yes. And what am I doing? Loading up addicting games. *sigh*

Kelson: It’s not just any Steam Sale, it’s the STEAM SUMMER SALE!!! …I already bought Indie Bundle 1, and not even the first day is over.

May my wallet forgive me.

 Whitless:  Last night I got home from my show, exhausted and ready for my bed when I saw Errol had gifted me Terraria.  I downloaded it just to see what it was like.  And wouldn’t you know it, I ended up playing with him till 1am.  Well, he played.  He built us a house and fought off zombies.  I dug up dirt.  And now I’m even more tired today :D.

9 Responses to Comic 373 – “Steam Sale”

  1. 4 player package purchased.

    I STRONGLY encourage everyone to buy The Trine package! (Trine and Trine2) It’s AWESOME! Errol you’ll love it!

  2. I curse you for adding the phrase “Hmm is it ok to take another Terraria Break now?” to my mental vocabulary. That said I am now running a dedicated server for me and my friends so that we can work on it any time.