Errol: I have scheduled this because I will be writing. How will I do? I don’t know. But by the time you read this, I sure hope that I am doing well. Sadly, I am tired NOW and I want to go to bed. 🙁 Continue
Errol: Poor Debs, even though I’m not an actor, I think I’ve hung out with Manpans enough, (or maybe been on film sets enough) to know that a video shoot consumes your life until it’s done. Continue
Errol: *sigh* So frustrating… Continue
User submissions! The first comic is with Jules Sherred and Matt Schubbe! If you remember, I’m part of an Indiegogo campaign to get this printed: Five Little Zombies and Fred. There aren’t many days left, so go check it out and get some perks! Brian was the first one to mention that he wanted… Continue
Errol: That’s Leezet in the last panel. Funny, I don’t have a colour for her. Since she wears labcoats since she’s a doctor, I guess I’ll stick with white. Continue
Errol: Do I have time to play games? No. Do Manpans and I have to write a musical? Yes. And what am I doing? Loading up addicting games. *sigh* Kelson: It’s not just any Steam Sale, it’s the STEAM SUMMER SALE!!! …I already bought Indie Bundle 1, and not even the first day is over.… Continue