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Comic 432 – “Chorus”


Errol: Just so you don’t think I’m the only one that does this, Debs does it too! I haven’t seen the footage yet though, but I hope to edit that soon. Thursday is a crazy day for us. We have a shoot in the morning for most of the day, and then we have a shoot in the evening. And Kelsey? She has a shoot in the afternoon with someone else!

In fact, I know that Luke is in another play, and Manpans is rehearsing for “Headshots and Healing  Potions”. Good grief, where do these young people get the energy!

One Response to Comic 432 – “Chorus”

  1. Hope the musical goes well. I’m somewhat torn though, because I’m listening to some of your NaNo songs from previous years and remembering how much they helped me out last year (and I’m wondering whether the musical will have anything like the same effect…)