Errol: Huzzah! The Nanotoons site has this year’s first comic. More nanowrimo fun. For those of you who aren’t doing it, you are probably sick of us talking about it. So… that should entice you to do it! COME ON! JOIN US!
Well… me. I doubt Debs is doing it this year.
Well, getting organised seems to be a thing here- I mean I already have a word war arranged with somebody on my other usual forum.
Hah! Impressive! I am so far from being organized. I’m making manpans do it for me. 😀
Yay, nanotoons!!
You going to do nano this year, Heidi? 😀
Funess! (Funness? Fun-ness?)
NaNoToons was my main cause of distraction last year, and I don’t regret that at all.
Well, maybe I regret it for the fact it brought me to be introduced via interwebs to Error.
I always have to approve you, I wonder why, Paige!
I just love that word. 😀
Me too! There are always chupacabra “sightings” out here.
Hah! 😀 Awesome! Well, maybe not so much if they drink the blood out of your cattle and such…