Comic 498 – “Membership”
Errol: That’s right! We want your comics today! For those of you just joining, every 100 comicsweI get the users to submit their own Debs & Errol comics. The only restriction is that it is G-rated, and you somehow include us in it. It can be just Debs, it can be just me, you can just talk about us in passing!
I need to get your comics TODAY!
And what’s awesome, you can use Bitstrip too! Brian Layman has made some Debs and Errol characters!
If you created a comic, email me at
Apologies guys, I have no ideas- and next to no time to implement the ideas I currently lack.
Couldn’t it just be all pun based?
I’d still need the basic setting etc. I insist on getting these things done properly…
Oooh… make it about you, and we interact with you!
Okay, I finally came up with a comic idea, check your in-box
I can’t wait to see what everyone came up with this year!
This *time, time, not year. Comments need an edit button.
Is it just my computer, or is the site different than it was this morning?
I switched servers, LoreHera!
Lol. Apparently I could tell. The link to the album is back now, at least! Yay for that! Still have to use a captcha every time I post though. Ah well. Still worth it.
Sorry, trying to work out the kinks, but going strong!
I think that Lizette should make a comic, then she can be in one!
You haven’t had a texting-with-Lizette comic in a while. Talk to your sister once in a while, Errol. Sheesh.
My poor sister. I actually call her every day.
She just fails to answer!
Weird…I posted earlier, and now it is gone. Ah well. All I said was that I would normally submit a comic, but seeing as I’ve actually been drawing D&E comics for two weeks now, that would probably be beside the point.
Yes, sorry, Kari! We swapped servers and I lost your post.
No worries. It wasn’t a very exciting post.
So I hear this is the place to be for conversations tonight?
Yeep! :: seeing the new layout::
yeah he’s moving all sorts of things about. I think this is sort of the new old layout… or maybe it was the old new layout…
By the way, I need to stop listening to your album on break, because I keep telling my guests about it. :: Sighs::
Do your guests like AtAtS?
A surprising lot of them, yes. A lot of cool Star Wars shirts pass my way. And the other day I had one guest who had Kryptonian script on his arms as tattoos, and since we both seemed to be enjoying confusing my co-worker, we started talking about how cool Gallafrayian is…. next thing you know, I’m writing Debs and Errol’s names on a receipt so he could look up “Geek Love Song”