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Comic 512 – “Multitude” and our Christmas Song!


Errol: Huzzah! We got a song out as well! How exciting is that?! 😀 It’s our first multi-D&E song with video. We have done a few a cappella songs before, but not a video! 😀 Exciting!


14 Responses to Comic 512 – “Multitude” and our Christmas Song!

  1. So how do Errol clones work? Are they 10 individuals with equal power of enthusiasm and excitement? Or are they like shadow clones where the original ninja’s chakra is divided by the number of clones?!

  2. :: applauds:: Awesome guys! That was a lot of fun!

    And now I have the urge to watch Doug…. and the Nintendo acapella video…

  3. Awesomeness of awesomeness!!! I like that Debs changes her hair in each of her clones. Debs is so talented. And Errol… well, whatever.