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10 Responses to 3 Geeks In A Pod – Episode 9

    • Thank you for representing me! I want to see the flag!!!!!

      I should be at work right now, but woke up feeling sick. My mother blames a lack of sleep, but being sick woke me BEFORE my alarm went off, not that there was much between my insomnia and my alarm, but it did. Called work, may still go in for a short shift, but still not feeling 100%

      Yesterday was more fun than I expected, though. Almost left at one point when everyone around me started drinking and talking about things that led one person to say “There our PG rating”. I would have left just then, but it was mid game, and I thought I might never have been invited back, so I just sat there and tried not to be sick. After that game though, the group having that conversation split up and I was able to get away from the smell of beer. Which helped tremendously.

      What didn’t help was when we locked up the room, finished cleaning and mom told me it was about 5 am. I was supposed to work at noon. T.T No way I thought it was that late. 2 at worst. And of course, chips (Which I brought, so I am now out of) and rice crispies treats do not count as dinner, so had to have something to eat after, and then I drew the insomnia card, as predicted. Le Sigh

      Glad you guys had fun, though!

    • We had a fun time! I’m hoping eventually we’ll get more guests in the podcast… that’d be fun! Oh, next week we may do something special.