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Comic 536 – “Live Show”


Errol: 3 Geeks in a Pod, the podcast we do on a semi-weekly basis, is going to try and stay more regular with our podcast and a video live stream on youtube! Remember all the fun from the streamathon? Well, we hope to keep it to just 1 hour.

It will start at 8:00pm EST, Sunday, on Youtube. Check this site for the link! 😀

Come listen, comment, and have all sorts of fun! 😀

5 Responses to Comic 536 – “Live Show”

  1. Ooo fun! Must remember to check that out tomorrow.

    And black knitting again! I’m waiting for the day Errol throws me off and puts in purple or rainbow knitting lol. Though the Yakko faces should be with the glow wool… that would be a cool effect. XD

  2. I’m not gonna be able to catch it live at that time, that’s 1am Monday morning my time, and I can’t justify staying up later than that with everything I have to do in the morning (including being up in time for dentistry)