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Google Livestream Concert!

Errol: Starting at 8pm EST, Sunday, Feb 4th.

Debs: Good attention to detail, Errol. That’s 7pm EST, Sunday Feb 3rd. Thanks Jezbel!

That’s today! 😀

14 Responses to Google Livestream Concert!

  1. Psst… your concert starts at 7 (unless the time at the side now is wrong)… and it’s Feb. 3rd today. XD

  2. There a link to get to it on youtube so we can comment there?

    Also, Jez, I’m on yahoo, if you want.

  3. That was an awesome two hours (with the podcast). We had you on our TV, so you were pretty much life sized. It was like having you all in the room with the six of us. Our own little super bowl alterna-party…

  4. Btw, guys. You are all awesome! I had a TON of fun tonight. 😀

    Thanks so much for joining us! We will figure out how to be more engaged in the chat. WE WILL! 😀

  5. I did, I did. I just… couldn’t figure out how to post my song, and it… it was just confusing. My first song is up, and I’m nervous as all get out.