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We Want Your Submissions for Comic 600!

Allo all! Comic 60o is fast approaching. That means we want comic submissions! And we have a plan, thanks to Mercenary Pen

This is how we hope it works. 

Remember the Paint Flumes comic?

Remember this crazy? Clicking will take you to the comic.

We want you to submit your own version.

There are many things you can do:

  • Mad Lib it! I even made a hand dandy mad libby thingy for you to check out: Check out Mad Libby Thingy.
  • Draw your own version of Paint Flumes!
  • Draw anything you want, we don’t care. We just want submissions.

And just for entertainment, I tried the Mad Libby Thing. It gave me enema fumes. If this were a competition, I would have won. 😀

Please get entries to me by March 29th!

Now that I work, I don’t have as much time to compile anything. 😀

How to submit? E-mail me at:


17 Responses to We Want Your Submissions for Comic 600!

  1. Remember the Paint Flumes comic?

    Flumes = fumes?

    And I am thinking on what to do. And trying to keep the characters from my comic from entering as some bizarre fume-induced hallucination.

    • Nice catch.. Though Paint flumes sound like messy fun, and an interesting celebration for comic “60o” That one seems almost deliberate as how do you type 600 and accidentally make the second 0 and o? There’s a puzzle here to solve! Errol is leaving us clues!

      • I’m not sure what I was going to say. I was thinking ahead to my next sentence about liking panel 6, the word “like” slipped out. I guess I’ll change it to be “post”

      • Thanks. I already made one last week on Microsoft Word, but it’s a really big file.

        I emailed it to Errol, but he hasn’t responded back to me with the response on if I need to change the format or something like that.

  2. I need to actually put mine down on paper…. Well… screen. Have it more or less in my head.