Comic 602 – “Legolas”
Errol: One of the songs Debs will sing at the “Two Geeky For You” Concert on Monday is Mary Crowell’s Legolas.
Mary Crowell is an amazing Filker and I stalk her all the time on Twitter. There is just no way I can play like her but I will still try. Debs, on the other hand, sounds awesome as usual.
I really shouldn’t have linked to Mary Crowell’s site, because then you could compare. I hope you forgot how good she plays the piano by the time you hear me.
Debs: * Laughs * Your piano sounds fine, Errol, don’t worry 🙂 And we already performed this once for Filkers and they really like it.
Errol makes it seem like him singing “Legolas” was my idea. It wasn’t. He spontaneously burst into it while we were practicing last night and it was AWESOME!

Also, Sue should be in this comic, except Errol’s been updating characters for some reason and hers hasn’t been updated yet. She and I were over at Errol’s and rehearsing some sweet, sweet harmonies. She also witnessed us give “How to Play Catan” our first live shot. And she sang along. I don’t know how she already knows the chorus by heart but somehow she does. She’s going to be pulled on stage.

Wish I could be there, sounds like it will be a blast.
If we ever get famous enough to perform in the UK, MP, I will make sure you get a comp ticket.
If you get famous enough to perform in the UK, you won’t need to make sure I get a complimentary ticket- if nothing else it would present the need for me to get refunded the ticket I would almost certainly have already bought.
This is the best role reversal I’ve ever seen.
Camp nano, sims issues and school are eating my brain. Break a guitar at the gig!