Exciting News! ORYCON 35!
Errol: Just in case you haven’t been following Twitter or Facebook, we were invited to Orycon 35 for November 8-10th, 2013.
They are flying us out and we are the Filk Guests of Honor! This is so exciting for us! We’ve only performed outside of our city three times, and that in our own province. We’ve never been international!
We were up for hours that night taking it all in. Follow the comic and you will see the whole story unfold. 😀
That’s super awesome! Huge congratulations to you both 😀
Thank you! 😀 We are soooo crazy excited! 😀 😀
Said this on Facebook already, but massive congrats to you both- the challenge is going to be getting in your NaNo word counts around the show… and not doing NaNo around that… well, you’d know what we’d think about that…
*uninstalls evil mode*
Sorry, don’t know what came over me just then.
… Actually… I kinda got lost there. I’m thinking I may have to do Nano in a day again. 🙁
Debs and Errol go….INTERNATIONAL!!! *fanfare*
Well, this site is very international! 😀
Just had a thought for a crazy promo image that might be right up Errol’s alley… D&E get chased by a bizarre hybrid of the Catbus from Totoro and an AT-AT walker…
Ooooh! That gives me a good idea for a promo image! 😀
Woo congrats! That’s fantastic news! 🙂
But one day… could you go somewhere closer to me? I think Portland is even farther than Toronto lol. XD *ponders* Might be cheaper air fare though… I’ll have to look that up.
If you guys could convince people to fly us down to a con near you, we would instantly say yes. 😀 😀
It is further. I just checked. Got so excited they’d be closer. Newp.
One day, Lore Hera. We will be near you. 😀 😀
Apologies if I seem more irritable than usual, just waiting until my usual forums are back up… Apparently they’ve been subject to a DDoS attack since at least 24 hours ago…
Oh… uh… I didn’t notice you being more irritable than usual.
No noticeable difference. You just seemed, the normal MP that we know and love. ;D
I kid! I kid! *laugh* I’m a jerk.
First of all, congrats! 😀
I looked at the website and it said the hotel it’s in. I stayed in that hotel a few weeks ago when I went to Portland! It’s a really nice hotel! You’ll really enjoy it there (it’s right across from a park and a shopping mall). I think I stayed in room 1452. (btw, there’s no sales tax in Portland either!)
Since you are going to Portland, why not take a quick stop in LA? PLEASE??????
WELL, I’m still trying to figure out if I’m going to Night of Writing Dangerously. That’s where my wife WANTS to go. 😀 So I may still do that. 😀
Ohh yes you can take a west coast trip! Go from Portland to San Francisco to Los Angeles! 😀
If the dates work, you should try and do that, you’d have a lot of fun!
Oh, it’s not the “worried about not having fun” thing that is stopping me. 😀
*sigh* Monies. Always the monies. 🙂
Bah, it’s always money! Why don’t you make money off Totoro shakers?
While you’re in the states you could take a short drive down to Texas! It’s not THAT far. If only…. Congrats guys! That’s super exciting.
*laugh* We took a look at our time, sadly. We don’t have that much time! The 10 hour trip will do that. 😀
It will be crazy fun. Seriously, it would be neat if we toured…
CONGRATS!!!!!!! WTG GUYS! With this under your belt, I can suggest a few other cons that might be willing to do the same!
Lore, if you can convince Cons to pay for us to go, we would definitely go. 😀
That was part of my point. Having this under your belt as a deed accomplished will make it far easier to convince other cons to do exactly the same thing. I know some of the higher ups at Otakon, I will mention your performance at Ory to them, so that if any of them are going, they can check you out, and I’ll let them know that if they want you guys, I can be a point of contact. Also know someone who used to be a panel coordinator for Icon, but that’s a smaller con and probably could not afford to bring you guys in, but if Inu-chan still works for them, I can check. Again, once they see that this con brought you in, and see how well it went (is going to go)
By all means, if you get us there, we’re THERE! 😀 😀 😀