Comic 652 – “Super Awesome, In Fact”
Errol: That blew me away, btw. All the insanity that happened yesterday was amazing guys. Super, duper, awesomely, amazing. 😀 Thank you so much, so much to keep up with! I don’t even know what to say, other than you guys outdid yourselves.
So thank you for making it an awesome, community involved, birthday! ^_^
Glad you had a good day. 🙂
Under $300 to go in the indiegogo now. Seeing Errol speechless might put that over. XD
Wow, so close! Good luck, guys! And I hope your birthday was fantastic.
:hyper excited about getting mentioned in the comic:
*laugh* Thanks. You know, if you send me a pic, I’d put you IN the comic. ;D
Send him a picture of Monster in the Dark from Order of the Stick- or be another Leezet. That’ll get you into the comic without compromising your anonymity.
ROFL. That’s hilarious. Actually, he was joking about having a good idea what I look like already, so I kind of wanted to see what he came up with first. 🙂
In other news, new laptop!
Whoa! New laptop! Congrats! No more hating of youtube?
Still setting it up. So many agreements to read @.@
Did you know the microsoft office code of conduct disallows whole genres of manga and a chunk of fantasy art? Which makes me wonder, not just where they get the right to decide what art people keep on their system but… What in microsoft office has you POSTING anything…. I mean… When was the last time you opened your word processor and instead of hitting send, you hit submit? Mcaffe also has rules about what you may have on your computer….@.@
Is that in the student version?
You can use several office products to publish websites. That’s probably what it is talking about.
Oh and Outlook can post to News Channels.
Huh. How odd. I just got it because my boss keeps asking me to help him with office, figured if I got in some practice, I might actually know what I’m doing. Also my co-author adores it, so… X.x
I’d still rather use open office…
You’re actually using McAfee? Or do you just have a free trial installed on the laptop?
Free 15 months. So I figure I’ll try it out for a while, been years since I used it last. Will still be backing it with malwear bytes, and if it stinks, I can always uninstall and go back to avg and pc tools.
Fair enough, I just figure why get used to something that’ll eventually demand money from you when other software will do as good a job for free… At least it isn’t Norton- I’m told that’s a right pain to get rid of.
I’ve had and paid for both in the past, they’ve been more or less equally annoying. Once it starts poking me about renewing, if it even lasts that long, I’ll be swapping. Trust me. Plus, no paid one has ever been worse than Panda. I litterally BOUGHT a virus. It was a nightmare.