Errol Errol
Jezbel presents “Errol Errol” a parody of Louie Louie by The KingsMen
Errol Errol, can knit
A lot of Totoro’s
Aye yi yi yi, I said
Errol Errol, sings about
AT-ATs in The SnowAlways has, a lot to say
Makes new comics almost every day
Likes to sing, about the Geek
Does a 3Geeks podcast every weekErrol Errol, can knit
A lot of Totoro’s
Aye yi yi yi, I said
Errol Errol, sings about
AT-ATs in The SnowPerforms with Debs, in their band
Still hasn’t seen BSG, how sad
Working on, a parody CD
Must refer indiegogo constantlyErrol Errol, can knit
A lot of Totoro’s
Aye yi yi yi, I said
Errol Errol, sings about
AT-ATs in The SnowOkay, let’s give it to ’em, right now!
(Ukelele Solo)
Likes to eat chips, and can’t have milk
Likes NanoWrimo, FAWM, and FILK
Convention repertoire is growing
Social media updates are overflowingErrol Errol, can knit
A lot of Totoro’s
Aye yi yi yi, I said
Errol Errol, sings about
AT-ATs in The SnowLet’s take it on outa here now
Let’s go!!
Happy Birthday Errol!
Errol: *laugh* That’s awesome.