Comic 674 – “Comic Vacation”
Errol: Well, to be fair, I did work on some Totoro Knitting and some comicize perks. 😀 I also played a lot of games.
Debs: So what you’re saying is that when I do the comics, I’m being more game-enabling than actually helpful? 😛
Whitless: This is partly my fault. I would say “let’s not play anymore until you get work done” but I really wanted to see what happens next in Last of Us…cue guilt 😀
Procrastination is a way of life for me. Well that and combined with being lazy. XD I do manage to get some of the things I need to do done but… most of it I put off until I can’t anymore. It’s bad but I can’t really be bothered to do anything about it. 🙂
I’m not going to lie. This comic kind of stresses me out. 😛
Poor Debs! I’m sure it will all get done! 🙂
Hey man, I don’t push you. ^_^
If I did, you’d explode.
How do I procrastinate? Easy. Please see Errol’s “Please Leave Me Alone” song for a general idea. Oddly Yahoo RP helps me focus on computer work. Gaia, Warcrack, and virtually anything else I do on line…. helps me procrastinate. I barely escaped Tumblr with my life.
Jez…. KH 1.5 Final mix. October. PS3. KILL ME NOW!
Wait you own a PS3? No one owns a PS3! Wow, you’re the first person that I know of who has a PS3!
Manpans owns a PS3! That’s how we play all the games we buy! 😀 (Well, two games)
The ps3 is my god now
I’m more focused on how to get a PS4 when it comes out for KH3. I will say 1.5 does look interesting though. XD
The answer to your question is Twitter.
I generally fall on both sides of the spectrum. When I’m taking classes or have a big project (like making maille pretties), I’m all over obsessive in the make-lists-of-every-minute-task and put-in-12-hour-days-forgetting-to-eat. But when I have time off, I have a devil of a time to even motivate myself to stop playing iphone games. It’s sad. When I took my last final for the semester, I had all these plans about finally having time to get some random stuff done. Almost 2 months in, and….I’ve made a character for a Dresden roleplay that might never happen… I’ve also read almost the entire season eight of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comics.