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700 Comics: Comic Submission by Jon

Debs: Before we get to the comic, we’d like to congratulate our friends at Monkeyman ProductionsΒ for successfully meeting their Indiegogo Campaign goal, mere hours before the campaign ended and thank you lovelies for helping make it happen! No, seriously. We’re quite over the moon about it!! Β Okay, now it’s comic time!
Errol: Every 100 comics we get the D&E community to submit their own D&E comic! I had a theme for the 700th comic submission, but no one listens to the themes I choose (in fact, I don’t listen to it either).

What's your favourite Photoshop tool? The Photoshop-inept want to know!
Jon: This is technically true – lasso is the only thing I know how to use, and poorly I must add. I think I mutilated a bubble. πŸ™ Don’t ask me how I did the template.

Debs: For those who might not know, Jon is my youngest brother. I taught him lasso when we were trying to extricate photos of furniture from not-so-pretty backgrounds on Photoshop for our mom’s partner who is in the process of setting up a Facebook page for his woodworking. I’m not exactly a Photoshop guru either and needless to say, my lesson was a little rough around the edges.

Jon: I was given no lesson – just the tip to use lasso. Photoshop makes my head hurt – mspaint ought to be good enough for anyone.

Debs: Oops πŸ˜€ I thought I sat down with you! At least you have CS5. I’m still working in CS. Ick.

Jon: Newer isn’t necessarily better these days.

Debs: It is weird that we’re typing this out instead of just saying it given that we’re right beside each other? But now how do we end it? Ahhhhh! Also, I wish WordPress wasn’t so finicky with spacing. I pretty much gave up.

27 Responses to 700 Comics: Comic Submission by Jon

  1. I have to admit that I just used an existing comic as a template for mine and did all the customisation in paint.

  2. I did something akin to Debs’s “paint majesty” for mine.

    Also, I’m going to be camping this weekend and won’t be back until late Tuesday.

  3. You guys may want to try the wand on the background then layer via cut. That’s a better way to isolate an object. Never got the hang of the lasso myself, but constantly use the wand.

    Still, Awesome effort. Hi, Jon!

    And my family does the typing to each other when we are sitting together thing too. Confused my poor friend Jordon in V-Zones once, he was in my “apartment” and my mom was there too. She and I started having a heated back and forth out loud, then we started moving it to the computer, so despite having come in with us, he wound up starting in the middle of a conversation. I do feel badly about that. Also wish for a number of reasons (including wanting to get back in touch with him) that he was a D&E fan. I can only imagine how epic and odd his guest comics would be.

    • Wand, eh? I don’t think I’ve used that ever!
      * waves a magic wand a somehow locked layer yelling Alohomora! *

      • ROFLOLMAO. Sometimes the imported image does come in on a locked layer, yes. That’s when layer Via copy is more useful. I have studied at the feet of the master, and one day I may know a quarter of what she does.

  4. bah.

    It was something easy/crappy – after all, isn’t rule #1 NOT to draw on the background/zero layer?

  5. I feel like I should do a series of software tutorials to teach the D&E community how to use Photoshop, After Effects and about video editing. πŸ˜›

    • I’d watch that. One day I shall have Photoshop again. I miss it. For now though I’d settle on how to draw hands and feet. Those are my nemesis. XD

      • Unfortunately it looks like they moved to a subscription cloud model, rather than being able to buy it outright, which stinks. Thankfully my old edition still works. I hate monthly charges.

  6. Jon doesn’t want photoshop; ms-paint ought to be good enough for anyone, just as 640k was.

      • GNU Image Manipulation Program, nicely shortened to Gimp. ^_^ Obviously has to do with Linux and is opensource… how they do love to abbreviate their names in never ending circles. (The G in GNU stands for GNU. >.>)
        Gimp is awesome though. πŸ˜€

      • Gimp is probably a little more complex than They’re both much more advanced than MS Paint but not as difficult as Photoshop. I’d probably use Photoshop if it worked on my mac, but alas, it doesn’t… Gimp’s really all I need, and it’s also FREE, so it wins. πŸ˜€

      • Oddly I found Photoshop easier. I’ve tried Gimp twice and disliked it both times. I’m currently using Artweaver which (while decent) can’t do everything I’d like it to. Gimp has the more Photoshop-like features. There’s a couple of other free programs out there that I’ve been meaning to try… except I can’t for the life of me remember what they are called. XD

      • You may want to try Serif, Jez. I can probably get you an el cheapo copy, if you want. they’re always sending dad discount coupons. I need to update mine too, actually, once I get my VMware working. But Serif was cool because it is vector (like Illustrator) not pixel, so there is a lot more fine control. And it comes with some awesome effects and gradients. I will say this, I hate the gradient options in the Adobe sweet, Serif spoiled me.

      • I disliked Gimp at first too, but I got used to it… because I had to I guess XD Pinta and Inkscape are another two free programs I believe.

      • I’m running CS5 on the Mac, Tarina. It’s a bit more expensive, but they do have mac options now.

      • Lol… I know there are options for mac… we already bought Photoshop for our windows laptop when we only had the one, so when I bought my own laptop, the windows version of Photoshop doesn’t really work on it. And we don’t want to buy it again, obviously… xD Unfortunately now nobody is actually using the program. I need to re-download and set up some workaround stuff that lets me use it again, even though it’s super clunky πŸ˜›

  7. Okay, love the look Errol gives Debs at the end of the new Indigogo video. πŸ™‚ That was awesome. And who is going to watch you guys for five minutes, Errol? Look at the comments section for your answer. πŸ™‚