Comic 703 – “Real Situations”
Errol: I have touched on this before, but considering I am recording our life as a band, sometimes I wonder how real I should get. I try to mark down situations, but should I try and go for deeper emotions?
Well, not MY emotions, of course. They’re about as you see in the comic. I mean, other people’s emotions.
I guess they wouldn’t like that if I did it…
Debs: Erm..I can’t tell if that question was serious.
I was so wearing deodorant when I came over last night! It’s just that sometimes deodorant isn’t perfect when you’re biking and it’s hot outside. I love that I can bike to Errol’s house now though.
In terms of how real you should get Errol, my opinion is that we don’t really need matters of body odour and bodily functions (in fact, nobody apart from trained medical professionals- who you are seeing in their professional capacity- needs those)
Manpans needs them. ^_^
One day, I will probably put some type of emotional conflict in this comic…
I really don’t.
Poor Lore Hera. Look, if I don’t provide ample facepalm opportunities, what good am I?
You realize though, MP, that if we took poo out of the equation, half the comic material would be gone, right? Or maybe just half of Errol’s texts 😉
I could live with that- I imagine comic Errol would spend more time embarrassing the rest of you to make up for this.
Hmmm… that sounds like a good idea. ^_^
I think I prefer poo.
We do not need emotional comics.
I forgot this was today’s, and wondered why there was no next comic. It’s been a long weekend today. Night!