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Comic 721 – “Dancing!”


Errol: And the D&E crew go out dancing, at a place where everyone is a decade younger. This cannot end well. ^_^
Whitless: We were totally the only people on the dance floor for the first hour or so. Errol dances like no one else is in the room. It’s awesome. I think next time we’ll probably choose an 80’s or 90’s night to go to. I think I knew about 2 of the songs that played! And the rest was…hip-hop…esque…hipster hip hop. Not a big fan. Man, I’m old :D.

6 Responses to Comic 721 – “Dancing!”

  1. If not knowing the songs played at a hip club makes you old, I would have been old when I was 20. Even before that, the only reason I really knew the popular songs was because I heard them on the bus to and from school (lived out in the country, and was usually the first one on the bus and the first one on, so the drive was like an hour one way every day, and I was only 20 minutes away from school…boy, that’s a lot of time in my life that’s been wasted on a bus).

  2. This reminds me of the dance we went to at Gryphcon with all the repetitive technoish stuff. We’d get so excited when they played a song we knew…until halfway through they technified it too.

  3. I like true techno. Once you add words, I am less enamored. Not a big hip-hop fan.

    But on another note, it is good to know we cannot count on 911. Called in an emergency (All details hidden to protect the inebriated), when we saw what looked like a dead body. Took 4 minutes for mom to get to a person when she called 911, there was so much automation, and now, an hour later after telling them that there was a medical emergency, no cops, no ambulance. Nothing. So glad to know we have such wonderful services in place to take care of us. End of the story is everyone is fine, but the emergency services have not arrived.

  4. I’m definitely not a fan of hip hop, even when the lyrics are geek-related. One of the cons I attend regularly has been including more and more geek rap and nerdcore than traditional filk in its musical programming, and as a result I’ve spent more time in the gaming room. Thankfully, Orycon has a strong filk track 😀