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Comic 760 – “Listening Party”


Errol: TODAY! TODAY AT 12PM EST! CTRL+ALT+DUETS will be released! HUZZAH!

And tonight, apparently, we are getting a listening party! So join us at around 8pm! Check this site for a live stream as we celebrate!

Debs: I love how he says “apparently”. I had talked of wine at one point but I don’t think I’ll bring it because I got wine last night at my friend’s Thanksgiving dinner. And so much awesome cheese too!

4 Responses to Comic 760 – “Listening Party”

  1. Wish we could join in on the fun times but my son has play practice followed by soccer practice so unless I can manage to pick up a wifi signal with my kindle which is highly unlikely I’m going to miss out!

  2. I’m really looking forward to that tonight! Also, I’m going to send a copy of the album to my brother-in-law-in-law, who does a blog with geekiness to it. I thought he might like to review it (as far as I know, he’s never reviewed music, just books). He was worried you guys wouldn’t want him to review it, since he doesn’t actually know anything about music, but I told him I couldn’t imagine that would a problem. He is a geek, after all.

    Oh, and no mouseover?

  3. I just looked up your time zone (because apparently I’ve forgotten since last time) and Google took me to a map of Toronto, and now I’ve decided I need to move to Canada.