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Comic 775 – “NaNoWriMo Starts!”


Errol: Tonight is Toronto Dandies and their Close Shave fundraiser for Movember!

I can’t grow facial hair, so I do NaNoWriMo.

Oh, and from the NaNoMusical, here’s the November 1st song!


4 Responses to Comic 775 – “NaNoWriMo Starts!”

  1. May I suggest that real muppets would be easier to work with Debs… they at least have fewer things that set them off than Errol does.

    (also currently sitting at 1800 words before leaving for my 2-11pm work shift)

  2. 2500 words before midnight! So excited! Can’t wait ’til I get another chance to write (probably not until this evening).

    I’ve pretty much been like Errol in this comic since 9 last night. My husband will tolerate it as long as the uber-excitement wears off soon. I can’t promise that.