Comic 787 – “NaNo Lecturing”
Errol: I don’t know what came over me. This person, whom I will call ‘she’, came into chat and started talking about losing interest in her novel. And then she mentioned this was a pattern and she lost interest in most of her novels. And then, I just went into straight lecture mode.
And, I was blunt. I was really blunt. A lot blunter than I was in this comic. I felt a bit bad because I didn’t soften the message at all. I just told her how it was, and that if she wants to be a creative, she has to do the work.
Sorry random chat person. Maybe you were having an off day. I guess I was having an off day too.
You should be spending less time in the chat and more time writing Errol- you haven’t logged a new word in about a week… *who slavedrives the slavedrivers*
Whoa, this really did hit you if it’s here too…
Hi, Hannah!
I may be confused… a bit by this comment. Who’s Hannah?
Also confused by that comment.
Hi Lore!
Errol and MP, Lore and I bumped into each other on the beyond 50k chat this morning and I mentioned that I look at the new comics most days but hardly ever comment.
OH! *LAUGH* Hi Hannah! ^_^
Whilst I’m in commenting mode, I’m really enjoying this year’s NaNoToons and the ML updates as well 🙂
YOU SAID IT, Errol! Finishing your projects isn’t about “the Muse”; that lovely ghost will have long fled when you’re on the bottom 9. It’s up to grit, determination, sweat, and pain to get you over the finish line. But it will be worth it. You have to remember the passion that put you there, and respect that passion even if you no longer feel it.
Being lectured like that hurts, but maybe she needed to hear it.
I hope so! ^_^
Yes, you may have done someone a lot of good!
Who knows! I hope so! Allooo Andy!