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Comic 812 – “The Master Class”


Errol: HUZZAH! So great to see Laputa on the big screen!
Debs: Yeah, I totally had to pee. The entire time.
Errol: And I’m LOSING THE CONTEST! NOOOOOOES! Please vote!
Whitless: To be fair, I REALLY enjoyed this movie! I’d never seen it before! I mean, I really, really liked it! All the nature and fantasy and animation! But it was also 8pm and the last time I had eaten was lunch, and there was this scene where the two main characters eat eggs and it looked SOOOOO good and I started to fixate :D.


7 Responses to Comic 812 – “The Master Class”

  1. Can’t really say that Manda wasn’t focussing on the film, she was just considering the often overlooked theme of the use of food in Miyazaki’s body of work (deliberately making this sound much more intellectual for effect :P)

    Voting appears to be wonky in some way at the moment, because Jenny- who was a frontrunner is now recorded as having only 12 votes… this may mean that the counter system they’re using is inadequate to the task presented…

    Edit: nevermind about counter issues, I’ve looked further and its likely a cache issue on my end.

  2. I have been no help during this whole thing. I voted once at the beginning, and have been unable to since then. I checked every day for the first week or so, because I didn’t know how it worked, but it never let me vote again. I don’t have a smart phone, and don’t go many places, so no other IP addresses. I can have my husband vote from work, but it’ll only be 1 more vote.