Help! What Song to Submit for #Searchlight?
CBC Music is doing a contest called #Searchlight. Now of course, there’s no way we would win this, but how awesome would it be if we could get to hear geek music on mainstream radio? (It did happen with “Geek Love Song“, that was pretty awesome)
We are also asking all our Canadian Geeky Musicians Friends to enter as well, because if one of us makes it, that would be all sorts of fun times!!
So! Will you help us? We want advice on which song to submit! Of course, we could have put more up there, so if you have any suggestions, by all means, put them in the comments. Thanks a bunch! ^_^
What Song Should Debs & Errol Submit for CBC Music's Searchlight?
- Mindless Nerd Anthem (27%, 4 Votes)
- Geek Love Song (27%, 4 Votes)
- AT-ATs in the Snow (27%, 4 Votes)
- I Wish Totoro Was My Neighbour (13%, 2 Votes)
- Narwhal Pet (7%, 1 Votes)
- Happy Emo Fun Sad Song (0%, 0 Votes)
- How To Play Catan (0%, 0 Votes)
- My Pachelbel Song (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 13

Want to hear the songs?
- Mindless Nerd Song (no professional recording)
- Happy Emo Fun Sad Song (no professional recording)
- How to Play Catan (no professional recording)
- Other songs on Songs in the Key of Geek
Ooo that’s a toughie! I can’t decide!
Can’t you just put up Make it So?
*laugh* I don’t think we can add any of our parodies. ^_^
If covers are permissible I’d actually suggest “My partner’s a nerd” because I think that’ll stand a decent chance of getting some traction, but out of your original stuff, I just don’t know…
Well, to be honest, we don’t expect to WIN anything. But we do hope things get far! Because that would be a win win for all of us! ^_^
Okay, having given it more thought, I’ve gone with Mindless Nerd Anthem, because I think the energy of the song might work better than some of the other options.
Cast my vote for AtAts without listening to them all again…
I think AtAts has the the earworm quality AND most people will know what it references. Though I just listened to it after listening to Catan again and I am wondering if it will sound empty on the radio with just one instrument playing.
Catan I think is the best musically speaking and has earwormitude, but most people will think it has too many words and people won’t know what it is talking about.
I just heard Happy Emo Fun Sad Song for the first time. It’s great… Though you should call it the Debs and Errol Anthem.
Mindless Nerd Song. It’s just not my pick.
Sooooooo that actually brings me back to Totoro which is actually the song that I listened the most to when I got hooked on you and it didn’t matter that I had no idea what a totoro was.. It has a great sound and great music and will sound good on the radio…
Sooooooooooooo…. Now I am wondering If I can change my vote….
I’ll change it for you! ^_^
Okay, so I finally decided on the Mindless Nerd Anthem. Why? It speaks to a large audience and most people can connect to it. Plus the beat is really cool and modern.
I also voted for At-Ats because most people know Starwars.
Love the choices! Have you considered “My Pachabel Song?” It is so well composed, features excellent vocal work by both, and has a universal, yet clever, theme.
*laugh* I should put it up…
I… kinda veer away from it because… well… it’s me singing. I prefer Debs to sing. 😀
Debs does actually sing very well on that track, but is is, of course, just a few “ahs” and a couple of “oos,” so maybe you’re right. AT-ATs is is! (Pew pew pew)
Ok, so when I heard the Happy Emo Fun Sad song, I laughed so hard that I cried. Which is probably a propos. Totoro is the most melodic and shows off your musicality and your ideal duo-ness. AT-ATs is a catchy song that a geek subset would find amusing. But if we’re going to go with popular vote, then I have to agree that the Mindless nerd song might get the most public vote because it is catchy. I hope you’ll record it with Debs somehow.
I’m just along for the ride. I love AT-ATs and there are TONS of folk who love themselves some Star Wars…but no matter what song is chosen, geekdom will be well represented. 🙂
There are a lot of great choices, though BSG is still probably my favourite. Since I didn’t see it I went with AT-ATs though the mindless geek anthem was fun. Somehow I didn’t notice Totoro in the list until the comments mentioned it. Oops.
BSG is a favourite, but we were hoping to do one with both of us in there. 😀
Although, I do like Debs singing Locked and Wheatley. 😀