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Comic 974 – “Weekend Sun”


Errol: Yes, Manda and I were working on our new webseries called Sidekicks. The production company working with us is called Vigilante Productions and they have a website where they are blogging about it!

Hopefully there will be more photos that will go up!

Debs: Yay webseries! I spent a lot of the weekend organizing/repacking things in various locations because I’m moving on Saturday. I also went swimming and biked…so probably all in all, my weekend was Errol’s worst nightmare. Go go sunburn for reals?

4 Responses to Comic 974 – “Weekend Sun”

  1. The funniest thing about this is 1. The fact that the basement is actually where I live and 2. You totally sat outside with Babs and I for a full hour after filming had ended. I think your hatred is false

  2. At least you were making the most part of summer solstice.
    I mean, in Toronto, that’s like 16 hours of sunlight. ^.^