Super Audio Land II
Show on Friday, June 6. Lee’s Palace, Toronto! Continue
Show on Friday, June 6. Lee’s Palace, Toronto! Continue
Errol: Manda moving into my basement is a problem. All I want to do now is play video games. *sigh* Continue
Errol: Sometimes, we run into people on the subway and it’s awesome. We ran into Jenise a few weeks back. She doesn’t like people touching her belly when pregnant, and so I always ask her this question. ^_^ Continue
Errol: I think I should just let Debs sing everything and work her Siren magic! ^_^ Continue
Errol: Poor manpans. She posted a facebook post about me texting her to come up to join us. She didn’t mention this part. ^_^ Continue
Errol: I bought this game when it came out and then haven’t had a chance to touch it since Feb, 2013. And now, we can play again! Poor Manpans, we’re always down in her apartment playing games are watching things. Continue
Errol: Hah! It was an awesome concert! ^_^ Continue
Errol: Anime North! We perform tonight! I have a bunch of panels, which I need to figure out the times for! ^_^ Continue
Errol: Tomorrow! Anime North! Huzzah! I see a few people on FB talking about costumes. I want to cosplay. Continue
Errol: Did we mention we’re at Anime North this weekend? They listed us as Expert Panelists. Hah! ^_^
And yes, I finished the Spirit Temple of Ocarina of Time last night. Continue