Comic 205 – “Nix”
Errol: Alina and Debs’s brother come to a lot of our shows. It’s pretty impressive, because I know they are bored. Thanks guys! 😀 Continue
Errol: Alina and Debs’s brother come to a lot of our shows. It’s pretty impressive, because I know they are bored. Thanks guys! 😀 Continue
Errol: You know, if I were certain unnamed people, I would be complaining I haven’t been in the comic for a while. Continue
Errol: The great thing about this? I didn’t have to think about what to write for a comic for a whole week! Continue
Errol: With the way Facebook is going, I think I need a tutorial too. I did implement the Timeline thingy however. Debs: She’s all good. She joined the fanpage 😀 Continue
Errol: This is why I like Debs’s mom. No one else likes my drawings of them like she does. Not even my sister. Wait… Oh, apparently, these are pretty much verbatim. Continue
Errol: Every time we hit a hundredth, we get people to submit them! Huzzah! Thank you! Thank you so much. As I mentioned on the Facebook wall, I don’t know what is going to happen to this band, but I am having a lot of fun being part of it, and interacting with you guys… Continue
Errol: Leezet will probably complain the comic is also not named after her. Never satisfied. For the record, this comic idea wasn’t mine. 😀 Wow I have a lot of characters. And, I also recorded Leezet’s response to this comic. I password protected it so that no one else could see and she got to… Continue
Errol: Everybody and their mother gets to be in this comic… except for… well. Ya. Anyway, this conversation happened on Facebook. I don’t know WHO the ultimate authority is on Debs, but whomever you may be, can you tell her we have a gig this Saturday and I need her to be in top form… Continue