Comic 937 – “Key Hunt”
Errol: Honestly, when my kids get older, I can’t wait to do really complicated puzzle hunts for them. Continue
Errol: Honestly, when my kids get older, I can’t wait to do really complicated puzzle hunts for them. Continue
Errol: And what did I come home to but this awesome post from Dan:
You win, Errol. I FINALLY watched Totoro. Loved it. Amazing kid’s movie. Probably one of the few times I’ve ever seen a movie based ENTIRELY on simple life situations rather then conflict or threats. A rare treat.
Oh, and Totoro himself just plan rocks. I love EVERYTHING about him.
Errol: I want to put out at least one music video a month, even if it’s a simple one! Although anything Dan will do won’t be simple and will be awesome! Continue
Errol: It’s good to know we’ve infected a few minds. Join the Forum discussion on this post Continue
Errol: There is nothing like taking a joke and just running it into the ground. At least it’s on time. 😀 Debs: James P Sheridan wants buttons. Continue
Errol: Sorry guys, my week has been crazy busy! Funny thing, people have asked me to go to something a month in advance. (Actually, I ask if I can come). And then, the day before it happens, I get asked, “So, you still coming?” And I ask, “What?” Monday, my cousin (Memes), Debs and I… Continue