Comic 195 – “Ix-Nay”
Errol: Not much else I can say on this comic. 😀 Other than I sure hope Debs keeps up her habit of not reading them… Continue
Errol: Not much else I can say on this comic. 😀 Other than I sure hope Debs keeps up her habit of not reading them… Continue
Errol: Everybody and their mother gets to be in this comic… except for… well. Ya. Anyway, this conversation happened on Facebook. I don’t know WHO the ultimate authority is on Debs, but whomever you may be, can you tell her we have a gig this Saturday and I need her to be in top form… Continue
Errol: I like Sue. Well, she isn’t called Sue, from what I hear, she’s called Susan, but I call her Sue because she’s not around to correct me. Anyway, I hear a form of this conversation actually happened. I’m glad that comics are having a visible effect on people. 😀 And Penthelia singers also have… Continue
Errol: We are just becoming our comic caricatures. This conversation happened… Debs: Yeah, it did. Except Errol was laughing and I kept interjecting “wait, am I a walking comic now?” Continue