Comic 1014 – Guest Comic: Ja-Mez
Debs: Our first guest artist is Ja-Mez!! 😀 It’s been a long time since we’ve had Ja-Mez art on here. I lurvs it 🙂 Continue
Debs: Our first guest artist is Ja-Mez!! 😀 It’s been a long time since we’ve had Ja-Mez art on here. I lurvs it 🙂 Continue
Debs: Hooray for guest artists! I am super excited!! 😀
Debs: This is a conversation I had with Errol over text. There was another comic planned for today, but he insisted I go ahead and post a Ghibli-related one instead. 😀 Don’t worry, I didn’t give him specifics.
Debs: Errol. I’m back to playing Super Mario 3D lately so I can’t really say anything 😛 So many extra levels!
E: That’s right! We are doing some songs in late August for Press Start 2 Play! Check out the facebook event: Video Games Unplugged – Press Start 2 Play EP Release Party! Continue
Errol: I don’t know what I’m going to do without internet next week… Continue
E: Look! A wild Alex appears! ^_^
And we are super pumped for this! We get to perform some songs too! I hope I can get a keyboard somehow… Continue
Errol: I found guest artists! I’m so excited! ^_^ Continue
Errol: I’m going on vacation starting next week. I won’t have internet. I don’t know if I should build up comics and make things up… or… what. Hmmm… maybe I should ask Kari to draw my comics, because, it’s not like she’s busy or anything. *sigh* Being an indie musician is hard. *laugh* Continue
E: It’s weird having to put in four numbers for the comic. It’s also weird not having to get a bunch of stuff ready for the puzzle hunt. You know, I was thinking of more puzzles over the weekend. I think I should get started now in making them, so that when it’s time to… Continue