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Tag Archives: Gauri

Comic 199 – “Reunion”

Comic 199 – “Reunion”

Errol: Leezet will probably complain the comic is also not named after her. Never satisfied. For the record, this comic idea wasn’t mine. 😀 Wow I have a lot of characters. And, I also recorded Leezet’s response to this comic. I password protected it so that no one else could see and she got to… Continue

Comic 175 – “Fridge Dating”

Comic 175 – “Fridge Dating”

  Errol: Apparently, this happened, and Gauri will be happy to know that she is finally in the comic. Leezet won’t. Anyway, they have a fridge schedule and I just went and updated it because it was kind of bare. When Debs came home, Gauri and James P Sheridan drilled her for date details. All… Continue