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Tag Archives: Ja-Mez

Comic 275 – “IT Support”

Comic 275 – “IT Support”

Errol: All Debs again, but I had to add Ja-Mez in the last panel. I feel he’s just a part of our lives. ๐Ÿ˜€ Debs: Whoever gets the reference in the second last panel gets points! ย Also, I did ask them to add “!@#$” to the end of the notes on my account. ย I hope… Continue

Comic 274 – “Cables”

Comic 274 – “Cables”

Errol: In the original, Ja-Mez doesn’t saying anything in the last panel. I of course needed to change that. Debs: My shoulder looks dislocated! ย And just so you know, Ja-Mez did help me look for a phone cable. Join the Forum discussion on this post Continue

Comic 273 – “Withdrawal”

Comic 273 – “Withdrawal”

Errol: I may have misinterpreted this comic… but hey, that’s how I read it when she sent me the script. ๐Ÿ˜€ And I did some changes so I could get Ja-Mez’s real name in there. Although, admittedly, Debs did lecture me about being online too much… so I don’t know why she was all bent… Continue

Comic 271 – “Rise Up”

Comic 271 – “Rise Up”

  Errol: You asked for it! That’s right, these comics are written by Debs! Not by me! Huzzah! I don’t have to think for a whole week! I mean, you may think I don’t do any thinking, but the comics require a modicum of thinking. ๐Ÿ˜€ Debs: Well, you still have to draw them, Errol.… Continue

Comic 270 – “The Stage”

Comic 270 – “The Stage”

  Errol: I had all these things planned for next week, but then Debs said she was going to do them. So… who am I to stop that! HUZZAH! She wrote the comics next week! Ja-Mez: Wait why I am part of this?! I feel like I have an evil twin doing terrible things in… Continue