Comic 198 – “Countdown”
Errol: This is pretty much how my sister and I talk. We wrote a novel together for Nanowrimo where we were the main characters. All of it was just basically this. Continue
Errol: This is pretty much how my sister and I talk. We wrote a novel together for Nanowrimo where we were the main characters. All of it was just basically this. Continue
Errol: My sister and I had this conversation when I was on vacation. Funny thing, a lot of conversations I have with Debs is on chat, and yet I have us in person in the comics. Yet here, I had this conversation in person, but it’s on texting. Continue
Errol: Yes, I forgot about the comic today. But I still got it done. That’s because I am committed to you. Continue
Errol: One day I’ll get back to us recording songs. One day. Continue
Errol: So, my sister wrote this in yesterday’s comic comments: “Seriously? Everybody gets a cartoon personality except me? SERIOUSLY??!!!” I knew she would. So I had this comic prepared for today. Continue
Errol: Oh crums. It was my mom’s birthday yesterday. Crums. I was supposed to get my girls to call. Oh… crums. This text has nothing to do with this comic. Continue