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Tag Archives: NaNoWriMo

Comic 403 – “Recall”

Comic 403 – “Recall”

Errol: UGH! My internet has been flaky all yesterday and today. It’s on for about one minute, and then cuts out. So I can’t say much. UGH. Whitless:  I would keep a count of how often Errol mixes up the character names, but that counter would overload.  I also want Errol to write a song… Continue

Comic 399 – “Expected”

Comic 399 – “Expected”

Errol: One day, I will see these girls not stressed about something. One day… 😀 Whitless:  I can be not stressed!  I totally can!  It just won’t happen in the next two months, is all…now I feel bad for being a big freak-bag all the time. Kelson: I don’t get why everyone get’s stressed out about… Continue

Comic 189 – “Demographic”

Comic 189 – “Demographic”

Errol: Once again, this conversation happened that fateful night when Debs found out that Mercenary Pen preferred my comics. Don’t worry, MP, we STILL aren’t stalking you. At least, I don’t think we are. I’m not. I’m in Calgary on Vacation. I have no idea what Debs is doing. Probably dating. Continue