Comic 421 – “Crane”
Errol: This is Kelsey. She is our director. She likes cranes. And velociraptors. That’s all I really know. She’s good at directing though. We shot a scene from episode six and it went great on thursday night. 😀 Continue
Errol: This is Kelsey. She is our director. She likes cranes. And velociraptors. That’s all I really know. She’s good at directing though. We shot a scene from episode six and it went great on thursday night. 😀 Continue
Errol: Poor manpans. This Sunday is the shoot. To be fair to manpans, we may not have enough time to shoot what we need, and this is the only time we have with people. So she is worrying what to do if we DON’T get the footage shot. In the meantime, I’m preparing the… Continue
Errol: All these typecasts! I wonder if I have a stereotype… other than geek asian… that is… Whitless: You’d be the wacky sidekick. Or if we’re going to go Commedia Del’Arte, you’d be Arlechinno :D. Continue
Errol: Huzzah! 300 likes on Facebook! I am going to be very busy for the next three months… Continue
Errol: This happened over email. I’m surprised we’re getting anything done. Continue
Errol: UGH! My internet has been flaky all yesterday and today. It’s on for about one minute, and then cuts out. So I can’t say much. UGH. Whitless: I would keep a count of how often Errol mixes up the character names, but that counter would overload. I also want Errol to write a song… Continue
Errol: Tonight, we are putting the finishing touches on the script, and I will introduce the cast to all the music. So very exciting. 😀 We wrote the script and the songs in a month. That was a bit too much for the Manpans. Continue
Errol: The script is written, the music is written. Now we have to shoot it. And we have about a month. Ugh. Whitless: And for people with full-time day jobs…a month is not a lot of time…I hate scheduling…but we have a director, yaaaaay! She can worry about camera things. Debs: And for people with… Continue
Errol: One day, I will see these girls not stressed about something. One day… 😀 Whitless: I can be not stressed! I totally can! It just won’t happen in the next two months, is all…now I feel bad for being a big freak-bag all the time. Kelson: I don’t get why everyone get’s stressed out about… Continue
Errol: Once again, this conversation happened that fateful night when Debs found out that Mercenary Pen preferred my comics. Don’t worry, MP, we STILL aren’t stalking you. At least, I don’t think we are. I’m not. I’m in Calgary on Vacation. I have no idea what Debs is doing. Probably dating. Continue