Comic 76 – “Ain’t Broke”
Errol: You know, I’m becoming numb to the fact we confuse people. Well, ok, I’ve been numb to that fact my whole life. Continue
Errol: You know, I’m becoming numb to the fact we confuse people. Well, ok, I’ve been numb to that fact my whole life. Continue
Errol: They never did invite us back. I don’t know if it was because of this or our show… 😀 Continue
Errol: Yes, this is similar to what Debs and I were writing in the notes a few comics back, but I couldn’t waste it. Continue
Errol: LOOK! We’re back on track for the comic! We had postponed it for three days just so we could blatantly advertise our google+ hangout concert that we had over the weekend. And it was fun. And Debs is going to blog about it. Poor Debs. Debs: What? I don’t trust you with the keyboard… Continue
Errol: Yes, I showed up early. The venue was upstairs, and so I asked if I could go up. That probably was my mistake. For some reason, the person manning the bar had a hard time believing I was part of the show. I mean, I have my name on my shirt! Why else would… Continue
Errol: I truly was surprised at how nonchalant Debs was when it came to this discussion panel. We don’t do improv, and yet she signed us up for it. I’m all for trying new things, but sometimes I just don’t want to suck really bad in front of people. Other days, I just don’t care.… Continue
Errol: For our gig, I happened to check the email the night before, and found out about a “Discussion Panel”. I didn’t know what it was and when I asked Debs, she didn’t know either. She just said “Yes, we’ll do it!” I’m the type that will do almost anything on stage with no preparation,… Continue
Errol: You may be wondering why I write so little as of late. It may be because I get home super late and quickly throw up the comic. Normally, I do them on Sunday. Not lately. Also, I spent all Monday on that comic navigation system. I think it works now. And yes, I do… Continue
Errol: Funny thing, the show was called the “No Parker and Seville Parker and Seville Show”. This was a show where they weren’t going to use their Parker and Seville characters. I, however, was confused by this title and what was happening, so I just assumed it was them. 😀 Continue
Errol: This comic was originally quite different. And then my thought processes got derailed in mid creation. That happens a lot. Continue