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Tag Archives: shows

Comic 40 – “New Lingo”

Comic 40 – “New Lingo”

Errol: Ya, we’re all new to this gigging thing. We have no idea what we’re supposed to be doing at times. Debs: Hahaha, I totally read “You’re on in IO” and got really confused as to why we were orbiting Jupiter all of a sudden. It actually took me a minute. Continue

Comic 39 – “The Comedy Bar”

Comic 39 – “The Comedy Bar”

Errol: I’m always scared when I don’t go to the gig with Debs, because she may just decide to not show. We were to get together to practice her BSG song. It was fine anyway, she performs it well without me. 😀 Debs: There was a TTC diversion. But you know, Errol, I do have… Continue

Comic 38 – “Details”

Comic 38 – “Details”

Errol: The funny thing is that I never really know much about our gigs until a day or so before. Considering gigs come five days before we perform, I guess it’s not that bad. Really, though, it’s my fault, because I never check the email. Debs checks the email. I check the twitter. Debs: Oh… Continue