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Comic 986 – “It Begins”


DAE_140707_986M_ItBeginsErrol: Hey folks, first off: THE BAND IS NOT ENDING! We don’t want you guys thinking we’re quitting. We’re not quitting. However, this comic is about the band. And although it’s an altered reality, we do try and put real things in this comic.

And this conversation is one of them.

This is a risky move. Very risky for both of us. We talked about whether or not we should include this in the comic arc. However, it was a huge event in our band lives. So… we figured we’d give you a small glimpse into our lives.

Debs: A more serious glimpse anyway. This is a conversation that we had near the end of February. Deciding to put this into the comic was a heavy, heavy thing, but it can’t be all fun and roses all the time, right? Don’t be scared though, guys. We’re expecting that comments and questions will happen throughout this arc and we’ll respond as openly as we can.

10 Responses to Comic 986 – “It Begins”

  1. I applaud you on the courage it takes to bring a conversation like this out into the open- and I look forward to seeing the resolution of the discussion, however it turns out… (though I do wonder whether doing this in comic form will stretch things out and make it harder to express yourself in the long run)

  2. On Earth 2, there never was a Errol and Debs band, for they never met….how the world functions without them, we shall see now…

    Meanwhile on Earth 1, the band wonders about their future, not realizing it’s been done before and will happen again on countless worlds…..

  3. I’m just glad to be able to glance down and see right away that the band is not ending. Though if you think about it, announcing it for the first time in a comic doesn’t make much sense, but the recent build-up about this didn’t help.

    Online conversation or not, I’ll be Errol really did cringe at Debs’ reaction to his words.

  4. Of course the band must end… it’s the natural progression before the junta can begin! 🙂

    (BTW – Thank you for assuaging our fears up front! 🙂 I have enough stress without hearing one of my favorite bands is breaking up. )