Comic 503 – “Verse Problems”
Errol: Poor Debs. As I’ve said, when it comes to songwriting, Debs is better at music, I’m better at lyrics. Of course, she’ll still change all my lyrics, but hey. And I’ve settled on the new comic time: 8am EST. So, hopefully these comics will be updated by then. 😀
Debs: Hmmm….I honestly don’t think I’m better at music or you’re better than lyrics. Faster at each, maybe.
Is Errol “better than lyrics”? Such a difficult question. 🙂
Haha. This is what happens when he asks me to blur late at night.
I asked you to blur?
So, has the song been changed for better or for verse?
Ugh. That was bad, MP. You better not do it again. 🙂
But it sounds like Errol sometimes wishes Debs would just refrain..
Ohhhh…. dear…. to BOTH of you…
This can go nowhere but down.
If we don’t give the whole music pun thing a rest, we may be in treble.
I agree. But I think the song writing would be easier if they had some kind of a staff.. You know… that could take notes…
Perhaps, but the puns provide me with a means of touching bass with the rest of you…
I hope you’ve got it out of your system.
[Yes, that was an unreasonably subtle music pun. I shall go away now.]
I’m not sharp enough for these.
Give it a rest. Heh ;P
Alright already would you guys quit it! I can’t stanza it!!
LOL! I love musical puns. I’m trying to think of one, but how to fit it into a normal sounding sentence without falling flat…
This is a major problem guys. If you don’t tone it down, bar none, I will beat you guys till you slur.
I guess I coda responded differently, if I’d known there would be this much discord..
Okay Errol, no need to make a song and dance about it. But I take it subtlety is the key here.
oooh… o.o but I shall stave you off!!
Okay, okay, we’ll keep it sotto voce if we must pun. But you could have asked, you didn’t have to be so sharp about it. So that’s it guys, watch it, or Errol will pound us flat!
Sorry, subtly is not my instrument after a whole shift, try me after a long rest.
Argh, argh, nonstop puns without interval… but no need to get crotchety. We should leave this on a light note…
Oh, I’m Quavering with anticipation right now.
We used to have such a harmony here…