West of Bathurst – Final Awesome Crossover
Errol: I did literally LOL at this. Ok, I chuckled loudly that my wife wondered if I was laughing at her. 😀 This is great, I love it. I also like what Kari did with the title. And she makes me look utterly insane. Or maybe… she’s just writing from observation. Anyway, I love it! 😀
Clipped from: http://www.masseycollege.ca/alumni/westofbathurst/westofbathurst121208.html (share this clip)
She makes you look utterly insane because you ARE utterly insane. “Look! A rock! Has that always been here?! I have to CLIMB IT!”
I think utter insanity is fun.
I managed to read ALL of your West of Bathurst comics. You’re hilarious!!! My favorite line: “Quiet. I’m thinking and despairing at the same time.” I love that. It’s going to be my motto from now on.
Yay! I’m glad you enjoyed the comic. We should all cultivate the ability to think and despair at the same time.
You’re awesome in so many ways, not least of which is that you can play the ukulele. But I feel like you’re a mixture of Errol and me. You have the talent, enthusiasm and wit of Errol (and geekiness) and you have the “thinking and despairing” of Lizette.
Heh…that’s an interesting way to look at it. Thank you for thinking I’m awesome. I’m going to go off and blush a bit now.
I think she didn’t mean to say “blush”. I think she meant to say “Weep”. 😀
A little of both, really.
I think more people should practice their insanity- possibly on Errol…
We could be insane together! 😀 😀
Yes, we could. Now excuse me while I dip you in this pool of water that may (in my mind) contain sharks…
Dip? Like… oreo cookies in milk? I’m not as dainty as oreo cookies…
I was thinking more like “immerse up to the neck” possibly with the aid of a crane…
Such Fun!!!!!!!! You guys are all so awesome!
Huzzah! 😀 I was so excited when I saw the comic!
Don’t blame you! It was cool, and you got your bouncy Dalek!
I have found myself shouting this out at random moments today. It’s just kind of catchy. And yes, it is all Errol’s fault, as he’s the one who introduced the phrase “bouncy Dalek” (as an exclamation) in the first place.
I want vids of you skipping down your halls yelling out Bouncy Dalek. 😀
So help me I will bouncy dalek you!
Oh great, now it’s a thing. Why do I get the feeling Bouncy Dalek will feature prominently at our next gig?
Well, honestly, it does absolutely need to be a song now. It’s just an added bonus that you’ve already got the requisite prop.
A bouncy Dalek song?! That’s cooler than fezzes, bowties, and stetsons put together. Stormagedon demands bouncy daleks, lol.
Yup, this totally needs a song.
Wasn’t that the song from Monster’s Inc.?
“I will bouncy dalek you! So help me! So help me!”
Cooler than Fezzes? Now hold on…
That would be cool! I want video!
Actually, I disagree on the song- it wants to be an album title.
I’m still holding out for “Friends and Phos”
I’m still holding out for “Ear Siege of Destruction”.
Hmm… That’s unexpected, we need captchas even when logged in now?
Sorry, I have to check that. I have it configured not to, but it’s still there. I will see about fixing that…
Appears to be fixed now.
I just added a different one in. *sigh* Spammers can be so annoying…
Hmm I thought I replied to this before… I don’t know why but I really liked ManPans in this one… Maybe it’s the hair…