Update the D&E Wiki!

Errol: We have a wiki. It is not filled with anything and is so bare boned it makes Debs look like a hippo with a deep-fried lard addiction. If you’re bored, or have a lot of time on your hands, please update it. Put yourself in the Fan/Collaborator/People pages. Post pictures of Totoro. Make a list of all of Debs boys. We can categorize them ‘Team Debs’.
I’ll go look.
Edit: ::throttles page:: Will help fill things out as soon as I can figure out how.
So I can’t sign up for the Wiki because I’m not signed up as an Administrator of said Wiki? Maybe you should fix this, Error.
Error, eh?
Okay, according to Brian, if you’re signed into the WordPress you should be able to edit the wiki. I’m also not entirely sure what I’m talking about so I’ll let one of them jump in. That, and I just spent an hour trying to figure this out 
Ah cool… your user account for the D&E website should work for the wiki too! Brian’s awesome!
Thanks for catching this Paige… I’ve fixed the links on the main wiki page to point at the correct login and register links.
I dislike the formatting, and the fact that I cannot edit categories and sub categories.
you can make any changes you want. The software is the same software as is run on Wikipedia. so there’s lots of help out there for it.
Hi Lore – when I replied before I wasn’t being very specific as I was dictating my comment via my phone…
Creating categories and sub categories is actually VERY easy. Probably too easy.
All you need to do is add a line like this:
replace whatever with.. well.. whatever… and it will create that category and put your current page into that category.
However for the wiki to be useful, we’ll have to figure out the most logical categories and ways of doing things…
For example should a person who is a fan be only in the fans category or be both in people and fans. After all, despite what ‘Manda says, fans are people too!
Fans is a subcategory of People.
That’s true but if you want the name to appear in the people category, you have to add the people category AND the fan category to that page.
If you just put them in fans, then they will only show there.
Thanks, I’ll look at it again and do more later.
Looks for Clerics- nope, Exotic Weapons- nope, Meteor Swarm- nope, Monstrous Humanoids- you guessed it, nope.
Oh wait, D&E, not D&D… (yes, I know there are wikis all over the place for D&D- but the punchline came readily to mind in this instance)
Oh, are there restrictions on that? Sorry, they’re not put there to throttle your access. We will look into fixing that.
Please and thank you.
In order to make changes, all you have to do is login to the Debs and Errol website. An easy way to do this is to hit the Login button above the any comment area for any post and then you can make most any or all changes to the wiki.
I… don’t think I know enough information to add anything useful. XD
You can update your entry!
I have an entry?
All of us have entries.
Just click on your user name on the wiki and you will go to your page and you can edit it.
Also you can add lots of information I’m sure.
For example, you can add a page about Google hangouts or 3gp or FAWM
My wiki page is quite detailed already, and I’m just getting started. XDD
Also Error, you forgot about Pho and Totoro on your page. I used my new wiki “skillz” to fix that. C;
Is there a way to put all the User pages under a category? B/c right now the only way I even saw Paige’s page was by looking at recently edited pages. And I have no clue how to do that myself… XD
You can add
to any posts and that put them in that category.
I’ve just added both to Paige’s page.
Ahhh thanks Brian!
I shall do that once I update my page with stuff.
What really needs to get done? I have some free time, so I would love to work on something useful. (Useful being not reading Romeo and Juliet… ick.)
Pretty much song updating. Anything in the categories that aren’t filled, really.
Take a look at GLS.
We want to have all the info we can on each song, and separate pages for lyrics and chords!
I worked on the videos page, since it looks like you have adequate information on the main page.
I don’t know how to get the actual video on the page.
And it seems like with each video, the pitches are shifted.
I hope I did it right.
THANKS! And don’t worry, that’s why it’s a wiki, so we can edit it later if things are wrong and a copy of everything is always stored!
Oh, and btw, I checked the vid page. It’s GREAT!
So… Tried to watch BSG, two bedroom scenes in five minutes, following a drunken brawl. This is not he show for me, apparently. Ah well.
As I’ve mentioned before, I forced myself to watch the end of it, just to get the completion check mark. You’ve probably made the right choice.
All the BSG sadness is making me sad. I watched it at Deb’s forceful singing about how awesome it was, and have to agree. I like it _WAY_ more than Star Wars, which pretty much scared me away from Sci-fi.
Except for Gaius. His character really drives me up a wall. Still working on the last season, but I don’t think he’ll grow on me at this point. Just everything he does is crazy and his hallucinations (?) don’t really…fit with everyone else’s actions. Maybe once they explain how his imaginary girlfriend can lift him up and stuff I won’t hate him as much.
* Laughs * I’m so torn. I’m over the moon that the song got you to watch BSG but sad that you don’t like Star Wars
Yes…Gaius is a pain in the butt!! I’m actually watching through season 1 again now (except I didn’t watch any today because wiki…) and he is annoying beyond belief. I don’t think he’ll grow on you at the point you’re at though.
I probably sound harsher than I feel about BSG. I enjoyed it, but it wore on me towards the end. It is another of the sci-fi series that is has a long dark theme to it. It’s why I didn’t like Stargate Universe for the first season and never bothered to watch Caprica. It’s just not my cup of tea.BSG held me through the first few season. I can’t say too much more with out letting out spoilers.
Gotta say, Gaius is one of my favourite characters
This calls for…SONG LYRICS. But, in a few days when I’m less busy.
Also, yay! More information about everything!
Hey we’re up to 200 pages! YAAAAY!