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Since Debs and Errol Were Too Tired for a Comic…

The eHermit:  Since Debs, Errol and Manda are so completely wiped out today after their AWESOME 2nd Anniversary Party, I decided to step in and do a comic as a favor for them.

It’s kinda like how when Bil Keane was out and Billy would fill in and draw the Family Circus comic for the day.

10 Responses to Since Debs and Errol Were Too Tired for a Comic…

  1. Heh that’s awesome. 🙂

    Eee! I love that song! Star Trekkin… across the universe!

  2. Actually…that pretty much was me at work yesterday. I can’t IMAGINE how Debs and Errol felt, they were the ones actually performing!

    • Well, luckily I didn’t have to go to (traditional) work. I did go out of town after the show so I could do some work with our photographer friend today, so we got to sleep around 4:30am by the time we drove the two hours back. Crazy!