Comic 646 – “Uncertain”
Errol: It’s true. I have full confidence Debs will do fine. I know she hates recording and all though, poor Debs.
Anyway, she’s currently at Devin’s and they are going to be recording fiends.
Debs: It’s recording instrumentals that stress me out, because I’m not good at them. Remember the AT-ATs fiasco when I recorded the uke but it was awful and we had to throw the whole thing away and get your friend Rob to do it? Oh my gosh, that was * really * hard. But nearly two years have passed since then and I’m fairly confident that I have improved…somewhat! And look, I made a plan!!

Errol: 1) Poor Debs has a hard time with the ‘blurb’ tag.
2) I’m so glad Debs is not my manager. Imagine the meetings and documentation she would demand…
2) I’m so glad Debs is not my manager. Imagine the meetings and documentation she would demand…
How many plans are there? I saw a different one on FB earlier. XD
And… the only way I would catch title repeats is if I saw them all in a list. I tend to not register titles. Even in TV shows I don’t know what most of them are… which can lead to some confusing conversation at times. 🙂
Does this mean you were uncertain whether you used the title “uncertain” before?
Heh, I’m uncertain about all sorts of things. ;D