Comic 757 – “Thunderclap Contest! Join Us!”
- Join our Thunderclap.
- Figure out what the symbols below on our EP represent and then email us at:
The first person who gets them all and emails us wins!
And your prize: We will shout your name to the world! And trust me, I can shout!

Well, I’m not quite sure but I at least know that one is a mouth with really weird teeth. 🙂
*laugh* Impressive… ^_^
What about the ones we can’t see fully? I know nearly all the others, and the few I don’t, I feel like I should.
That allows an element of randomness! ^_^
I thought the one on the right was the Enterprise or a StarTrek starbase, but I see in the bigger picture that it is something like a witch’s hand…
And I still think the little guy looks like a gingerbread man…
The little person is from a worker placement game. I forget the name, played it once. Sheeple or meeples. Don’t recall which.
Then there’s the symbol between the stylised table and the mouth with the funny teeth, it looks like someone tried to draw a Pikachu and got almost everything wrong, but it can’t be…
(Now, how many more ways can we misconstrue symbols to make Errol facepalm?)