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Comic 809 – “Tribbles for FuMP!”


Errol: Poor Debs. Actually, I don’t remember her telling me to do this comic! Woops!
Debs: Poor Errol. I told him to make this comic. Okay! Two announcements:

1) “Tribbles” is the featured song on The FuMP (The Funny Music Project) this week! It’s the first time we’ve been featured and we’re really excited! What does this mean for you? It means that you can download the song for free. Check it out and tell your friends!

1) Reader comic submissions for comic #818 are due before December 20th! Usually we do these every 100 comics, but because the end of November was a busy time for many, we opted to push it back. 8/18 is my birthday, hence the apparent randomness. For comic #700, we posted one guest comic a day which was really nice, so we’ll be doing that again! Feel free to make them Debs themed, holiday themed, or really anything you want.

Errol: What? They can be Debs & Errol themed too!

7 Responses to Comic 809 – “Tribbles for FuMP!”

  1. Toy Story 3 was on TV the other night, and my dad flipped to it while the hockey game was on commercial break. There was a Totoro toy. I got really excited. Someone exclaimed, “What the heck is a Totoro?” I did a bad job explaining. I suddenly realized a little bit of what it’s like to be Errol. I need to re-watch My Neighbour Totoro again.

  2. I have to see if I can do something for the 800 comic. XD I’m overloaded with holiday stuff now and have a mountain of baking to do with little time. Still I think I’ll be able to do something. 🙂

  3. You realise this has the effect of changing when all the comic thresholds on my little chart take place (putting comic 818 on Friday the 20th)

  4. I don’t know what this site is but it sounds super cool and like free publicity! Congrats!

    I meant to draw something for the last guest comic but I didn’t, I’ll have to do something this time. I can’t draw, but I’ll do it anyways! Unless I forget 🙁

    • Don’t worry, Quinn, I can’t really draw either! That just increases the hilarity factor 🙂 The FuMP is kind of a collective of artists who do funny music (not just geeky), and basically, they release a couple of tracks every week that people can download for free! They also do podcasts (we’re on it tomorrow night!), and will release the songs in album form.

      The cool thing is that artists to get paid a little bit, if people buy higher quality versions of the MP3, and through subscriptions that people have to do the site. But the cooler part, as we’re finding out, is that there’s a really great and supportive community around it, so that’s really nice.