Comic 891 – “Too Much Content?”
Errol: This is a legitimate question. Do we post too much stuff? Now that I have Instagram, I’m like posting pics of Debs and I all the time. Heck, you should see my personal FB page, it’s even worse.
Debs: I know I brought up that concern about Facebook before..but we also know that…barely lets anyone see anything.
Errol: So, you people are our audience, we’d really like to know, do we post too much stuff? I know, I’ll make a poll!

Maybe it helps that I don’t Instagram, but I absolutely look forward to all your posts. And it’s so true about Facebook not playing well with others. 🙁
Huzzah! And yes, we started posting more to FB once we realized no one was getting it anyway. ^_^
That’s pretty much what I do at work, too.
I don’t instagram either, but you do put a fair chunk of stuff on facebook- if I were handling the instagram stuff as well, it might be too much, but since I’m not getting the full effect, I can’t be sure.
Instagram goes to our FB account, so you get the full effect.
Heck, you’re my friend on FB, so you get ALL of it.
Nothing wrong with posting to different platforms. I have fun catching up on stuff when i get home from work at 5:30 in the morning. Fans enjoy that sort of thing. Geeking out about what you like is like my interest in books, it’s what keeps us moving in life.
5:30am? Whoa, you have night shift work?
yepper 9 to 5:30 hiding in a grocery store, where the imagination runs wild and coworkers run scared after I’ve told them my ideas. Lately I’ve been leaving the cell phone at home since I work close to work, this way I have something to read when I get home.
*laugh* Is the store busy over night?
depends on the night of the week, weekends and holidays being busier. During the summer, we get the kids who can drive but can’t drink so they’ll come into the store at 1 or 2 in the morning just looking for a place to hang so they don’t have to go home.
Ah, that makes sense!
BTW, how DID you find about D&E?
was looking for geeky music to listen to, heard about Nerdy.FM and followed them on FB. Can’t remember which of your songs was played but it was surrounded by nerdcore rap. So I had to backtrack later to find your music. The rest is Elementary my dear Errol
ps is this the part where I put my deerstalker hat…cause I got one…ordered it from the UK
Ha! Ooooh! You have a deerstalker cap? 😀 You should put that as your gravatar!
You guys, I don’t care if you post a lot. It’s not like you’re spamming our FB walls and Instagram feeds with pictures of yourselves.
Honestly, you’re posting just the right amount. As a viewer, it’s important to me to connect with an artist/band. All these pictures of you on Instagram and your updates on Twitter and FB help me, help us, feel welcomed into the community. It helps you guys connect with us. It makes you feel human, and being human is good.
Your posting is fine. I don’t have a problem with it, and neither does (mostly) everyone else. Fans love being part of this community— daily updates and hilarious pictures help bridge the gap between celebrities and real people.
” It’s not like you’re spamming our FB walls and Instagram feeds with pictures of yourselves.”
Wait, we kinda are! *laugh*
Thanks, Meli! 😀
I wish you’d post more HERE! I miss all the Facebook awesomeness.
You do know that our Facebook is publicly open! You can happily see it and you don’t need an account
Maybe I can add a Instagram feed to this page as well. Good grief, do we have too much stuff…
If I’m looking at Facebook, people try to drag me in to Facebook. And yes, I am counting family members seeing it on my computer screen. I fought hard to escape the yawning maw that was Facebook…
How about instagram. Can you look at instagram? ^_^
Tried to DL instagram for work once. The TOS was so long, I deleted it and happily found a manager who already used the app to take the task.