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Comic 909 – “Three Years of D&E!”


Errol: Ok, I officially admit I can’t keep up. We did not expect to win. I had a comic planned today about FACTOR to continue after yesterday’s comic. And then we got into the 2nd round of CBC Music’s #Searchlight contest.

On top of that, we have reader submissions, and we have three gigs this weekend with Monkeyman Productions.

The awesome is overwhelming. YOUR awesomeness is overwhelming. Please forgive us as we’re trying to get our house in order. We have so much stuff to do! And thank you, peoples. Thank you so much! We know it’s because of you!^_^


#VoteGeek for #Searchlight!

For each band, scroll to the bottom of the page to vote!

It’s Day whatever today! For more info, check out our Voting Page!

Vote Copy Red LeaderTatooine Blues
Vote Debs & ErrolGeek Love Song

And remember to tweet it and ask people to share! Here are some buttons for you!

Tweet: I #VoteGeek for @CBCMusic #Searchlight Contest! Help inundate Canada with geekery!

And for you Facebook people, please tag our facebook page so we know you shared it! Also add in #VoteGeek!

8 Responses to Comic 909 – “Three Years of D&E!”

  1. lol okay I expect this level of hyperness from Errol but from Debs as well?? who are you and what have you done with Her Highness?? Are you….a Zygon???? stop it, don’t deny it, you’re a Zygon!

    Well done both of you and we’ll keep voting.

      • don’t suggest that, Errol would want that, then he’d find a way to download himself into that…unless he’s already done that and we have no way of proving it….unless you count his unlimited energy……yep he’s a Cylon!

  2. Sorry I’m late to the party, but CONGRATULATIONS!! You’re both made of awesome and deserve ALL the cheers!